Så sant så!

Vänta inte för länge på att ta chansen för då kan den redan vara borta. Tåget står inte förevigt på perrongen.

Two paths
Sometime, you will experience this; you will come to this point and you will have to make a decision. If you choose one and you change your mind, you won't be able to go back and choose the other one, so think it through.
You will maybe never see that path again, so choose wisely.
But always remember to follow your heart and you will end up on the right path.

Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose

(Ompublicering) Jag vet att nästan alla ni vet hur det känns ♥
We all want something in this world: new phone, computer, tv, clothes, perfect body, perfect skin, soft and shiny hair, long eyelashes, some talent, nice weather, to travel somewhere...
But most of all I think we want someone who loves us;
who you can talk about everything with and they still don't think anything of what you're telling them is boring,
who laughs at your jokes even though they're not funny at all
who makes you happy when it's raining and your mood isn't the best,
who's goofy and weird and childish sometimes, because he want to see you laugh,
who, when he hugs you, holds on longer than all the others do,
and who looks you in the eyes a long long time
and you know that's HIM
You fall for him
Or he trips you, and you think he'll catch you
but then he's suddenly not there anymore, and you fall flat on your face
All of those wonderful moments suddenly doesn't seem to matter to him anymore
He doesn't pay attention to you, never contacts you,
and when you're there, right in front of him, he doesn't notice you
you're hurt
yeah, that fall really hurt you
And you start to think, if all of those things that happened
were true, or if you just imagined them
You start to wonder if he really ever liked you
or if you just thought he did?
And if he now did, why didn't he tell you?
Does he ever think of you?
Does he ever dream of you,
talk about you?
Does he even remember you?
No one told us that love would be easy,
nor did anyone tell us that love would be hard
You know that it will never work
but still you try
and hope that one day you'll experience all those moments again

But most of all I think we want someone who loves us;
who you can talk about everything with and they still don't think anything of what you're telling them is boring,
who laughs at your jokes even though they're not funny at all
who makes you happy when it's raining and your mood isn't the best,
who's goofy and weird and childish sometimes, because he want to see you laugh,
who, when he hugs you, holds on longer than all the others do,
and who looks you in the eyes a long long time
and you know that's HIM
You fall for him
Or he trips you, and you think he'll catch you
but then he's suddenly not there anymore, and you fall flat on your face
All of those wonderful moments suddenly doesn't seem to matter to him anymore
He doesn't pay attention to you, never contacts you,
and when you're there, right in front of him, he doesn't notice you
you're hurt
yeah, that fall really hurt you
And you start to think, if all of those things that happened
were true, or if you just imagined them
You start to wonder if he really ever liked you
or if you just thought he did?
And if he now did, why didn't he tell you?
Does he ever think of you?
Does he ever dream of you,
talk about you?
Does he even remember you?
No one told us that love would be easy,
nor did anyone tell us that love would be hard
You know that it will never work
but still you try
and hope that one day you'll experience all those moments again

So beautiful

It will rain
When it's raining, don't just sit inside and watch it pour, go out and dance in it.

When it's hurting, don't just sit there and wait for things to get better, get on your feet and do something about it.
Because it's not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.

Where does the love go, I don't know


You never really stop loving someone. you just learn to try to live without them


I'll always remember you ♥

You keep slipping away

I hate that you left without hearing the words that I needed you to

Sometimes you walk by the good ones 'cause you're trying too hard to see them

Not just you

He only saw the good in me, when all I saw at that time was the worst

When a person looks at you then LOOKS DOWN it means they are absolutely crazy about you
My kind of perfect

You ever wanted something so bad that you just can't have??